I have always dreamt
of creating something
useful for women
Hi, I’m Aleksandra Dabros
I’m Polish and I’m 32. I finished University in Rzeszow (Poland) in 2010 and I’m Master of Law and Public Administration.
After my study I worked in my profession for few years but to be honest with myself and with you I have never liked that kind of work, I have always thought about my own business, about my own road of life with witch one day I could be so proud.
I have always dreamt of creating something useful for women, to become some kind of inspiration and friend for all of you.

I believe in true LOVE
From 2015 I live in Milan and now probably you are asking yourself... "Why Italy‘’ ?
The answer is very easy: I believe in true love...
Few years ago during my lazy holiday in Ibiza and Formentera I met an Italian handsome man and I decided to follow my heart.
One day I will share with you this incredible story, I promise...

I'm a FITNESS addicted
In last years I have dedicated myself to educate and practice on myself knowledge of fitness & nutrition.
I understand that Fitness became my huge passion and kind of interesting lifestyle.
In this way to help as many women as possible to achieve their ideal level of fitness and to feel more confident and happy became my personal mission!

All of my programs are flexible, so you have a chance to choose whether you want to work out at home or in the gym!
It doesn’t matter whether you’re an absolute beginner or working out is second nature for you, my programs can help you reach your next fitness goals and feel the confidence you deserve.

I wish to create a wide community of modern BODYLISCIOUS WOMEN, what’s mean women healthier, stronger, happier, more beautiful, more attractive and with stronger self-confidence.
I hope that BODYLISCIOUS community will become day by day a great source of support, encouragement and socialization between women who share the same goals and positive and healthy vibes...